SBHA Board Meeting March 19, 2009
The SBHA Board met March 19, 2009 at the Benbrook Senior Center. Eight people met. District 5 and 6 were missing. Kate emailed me and said she couldn’t make it – I did not hear from Daniel. Also did not hear back from Vince Brown.
Jess called the meeting to order at 7:11 pm. Martha made a motion to accept the minutes, Harold Reasoner seconded. All in favor.
Angela gave the treasurer’s report. $5091.13 was the beginning balance. Ending balance is $4816.74. Martha made a motion, Samantha seconded motion to accept Treasurer’s report. Motion passed.
Jess had new signs made. He has dates to put on the signs for the next meeting which will be April 6th (Monday night) at the Benbrook Baptist Church. We will have a Chesapeake, EOG Resources, The Benbrook Chamber of Commerce, and YMCA representatives there.
Jess will give an update April 6th for our Homeowners Association general meeting. Eighty four people signed against sidewalks. He suggested that the block captains can see if anyone else wants to sign against sidewalks. Low income housing goes from Warden to Childers, to Bryant, to Hwy 377, to Mercedes, to San Saba, Bandera. West side of Usher and both sides of Bryant 2009. E. Usher and West side of Wade Hampton in 2010. Jess will go over this at the meeting.
April 20th Timbercreek Homeowners Assn. is having a “Meet the Candidate” night. We are going to join them as a joint effort on this at the Benbrook Senior Center.
Samantha is going to check to see if Benjamin Pennington still lives in this area. She will call Jess. Ben was supposed to move. His email got returned. If he has moved, we will need a replacement for Vice President.
Motion made and passed to dismiss. Meeting dismissed at 7:45 pm.
Minutes submitted by Linda Conner.