Meeting was called to order by Jess Jordan at 7:15 pm. No roll call. Minutes accepted as posted on Blog site.
Two things to do tonight.
1. Memorandum of Intent by Brett when he gets here. Gas company is telling people they will get $200 to $300 a month and $22K bonus sign on. It’s hard for them to turn this down.
Jess put an article in the Benbrook News which mentioned the officers and District chair persons.
2. Vince needs to get his negotiating committee together. Janet and Brett will let us know what to do next. We need to go high and come down if need be.
We will have our block captains at the SBHA meeting to have people sign up. They need to go door-to-door also. Some people don’t know what SBHA is. We need them to try to sign up! Kate Moore will make up a note to post on the doors if the people aren’t home. Jess will talk to the code enforcer. Signs put on doors don’t involve code enforcement.
Jess needs to get a place for the town hall meeting. He will check with the Baptist church. Kate mentioned that maybe the Methodist church might be available if the Baptist church isn’t available. Tuesday Sept 30 will be the next town hall meeting at 7:00 pm. Kate Moore will take minutes as the secretary will be gone. Have a list at every table (a table for every district) at the town hall meeting for people to sign up. Have 3 people at every table to man the tables. Get block captains to work the doors so when people come in they will know what district they go to. Jess, Kate and Linda will help do the posters. We will do signs Friday.
Eugene brought up to Linda (via email) that someone responded to the Blog site to join. We need a name/address to send a check to. Jess Jordan will have his name put up on the Blog for people to join.
Samantha mentioned there is a National Night Out is Oct 7, 2008. We need a table set up for people to join. It’s a community night out. It starts at 5:00 pm. Several people volunteered to man the table.
Vince Brown reported that everyone has a comparison of negotiating leases that Linda Conner sent out a few weeks ago. Vince has a copy of the latest lease from Trinity Estates. Their lease terms were $22,500 for 3 yrs with a 2 yr option. If they haven’t started drilling activity they don’t have to pay a re-up bonus. Points that Vince pointed out that we need: Property line to the center of street. When we get an agreement, have 2 or 3 signing parties, have “live checks” – NO VOUCHERS. Have a warranty clause it is not the homeowners responsibility - it is the gas company’s responsibility. If they messed up they cannot come back and get $$$ back. Acceptable condition of a working lease – has to be a drilled hole to qualify as a working lease. If they put gravel down it could be a working lease. Royalties should be at well head or selling point? Need to check it out. There is more money at selling point. Be patient – this will not happen overnight.
Vince thinks we should get several quotes from attorneys. Kate will get together with Vince on this as she knows some. Vince has a copy of Tanglewood Association with an attorney name. Is there any that work with a contingency? Vince will check on it. Vince will set up a negotiating committee meeting before the town hall meeting. Vince will call everyone for the negotiating committee meeting.
Brett Walters brought copies of the SBHA form for Association members to sign. It has a membership card with a receipt attached.
We wanted to add to our minutes that Parton’s Pizza furnished the pizza for our board meeting. Also a sympathy card was sent to Jerry Warburton in the death of his wife.
The block captains arrived at 7:30 pm. Angela gave the treasurer’s report. Balance as of today the balance was $3664.25. Samantha Spence made a motion to accept. Cathy Clemens seconded. All in favor. Adjourned and moved to block captains meeting.
Jess told the block captains to get each homeowner to sign the Memorandum of Intent. We want as many as we can get. We have 1610 homes. Some have already signed at $22,500 an acre. Lake Worth got $30,000 an acre. We should be able to get $30K or more. We are trying to get everybody together. If we have 1610 forms to put in front of a gas company we have a majority. September 30 at 7:00 pm we are having a town hall meeting. We need to make sure everybody understands. If they don’t understand and have questions, call Jess Jordan. He has his cell phone on at all times. Jess Jordan handed out his phone numbers. 817-249-7509 (home) and 281-787-8862 (cell). This will be on Blog site, the Benbrook news and city web site. Jess email is:
Question on rental properties. If the people know it’s a rental they can try to run down the property owner if they want – otherwise have the renter join and write RENTER on the form.
As block captains you will collect the money. They will turn it into the District chairman. They in turn will give it to Jess Jordan to deposit the $$. The forms go to Linda Conner to enter on the spreadsheets.
The whole idea of this form is to unify us. We would like everyone to join SBHA and when gas company comes knocking on your door – tell them no thanks. The people can tell the gas company that we are with SBHA. That gives us a strong front and SBHA is negotiating for us. The association is not here to tell them how to paint their house. ONLY for gas mineral rights! We are trying to negotiate to get the most that we can for our homeowners. We need the form filled out on every household whether they join or not. With $$ or and address with renter. When we go to their door we can tell them we are trying to get more $$ for them.
Copies will be made to hand out at the meeting with officers names, district chairpersons, and blog site. The blog site is
Submitted by Linda Conner, Secretary.