SBHA Events

Monday, December 29, 2008

SBHA Negotiating Committee meeting minutes

SBHA Negotiating Committee

The SBHA Negotiating Committee met December 29, 2008 at the home of Donald Jennings and Linda Conner.

10 people were present. We ate goodies and viewed a 6 minute video on how they fracture a well to see if we wanted it presented at a SBHA Neighborhood Association Meeting. Charlton Peppers made a copy of it to convert it to a cd for us.

Our next meeting will be February 2, 2009 at the First Baptist Church in Benbrook at 7:00 pm. Our agenda will include the 6 minute video on fracturing a well, bringing up the business of sidewalk issues and SBHA joining the Benbrook Chamber of Commerce.

We enjoyed the fellowship of everyone that was there.

Submitted by Linda Conner, Secretary

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

SBHA Nov. 17th Meeting minutes

SBHA Meeting November 17, 2008

First United Baptist Church Benbrook

Jess Jordan called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. He asked if anyone needed a Memorandum of Intent to join. Minutes from last meeting was voted on. All in favor. Motion passed.

Treasurer was not here to read the treasurer’s report.

The Timbercreek Neighborhood Association has some nice signs. Motion made and passed to get SBHA professional signs made.

This is an information meeting only. Jess has had information sent to him. Bob West, an oil and gas well lawyer, has an article on what to do for a neighborhood association:

1. Negotiate as a group. 2. Try to get competing offers. 3. Get a knowledgeable gas and oil lawyer – Janet is in house lawyer. 4. Communicate with your group often. 5. Be patient!

The dues are $5.00 a person; extend to January 1, 2010. Need a vote for the $5.00 paid this year extend to next year. Motion made and passed. All in favor.

Jess gave information on how they drill and frac, and they cannot go in and drill under your property without permission.

Vince Brown is the chairman of the Negotiating Committee. Vince sent out 5 letters. Chesapeake, XTO, Vantage Energy, Broadway Minerals and Titan Resource of Fort Worth. He read the letter that was sent out. The only response was from Broadway Minerals. This offer was for 375 acres (all of Benbrook Lakeside Addition) for $X per net mineral acre. Y % royalty. # yr primary term with ## yr option. An additional $Z per acre for the ## years. This is if they can find any minerals in this subdivision. Vince’s opinion the $X per acre is very low. The problem is the economy and low natural gas price.

One question was about Devon. XTO and Chesapeake has done all this area. Titan did Wedgewood area. Vince will send a letter to Devon.

Another comment from the audience: Devon is here to stay. They are near Godley.

Jess gave his phone number 817-249-7509 if anyone has a company to send a letter to. Jess attended a town hall meeting. Chesapeake gave $500,000 to Benbrook. They are still spending big $$$ so we need to wait until the economy turns around, the gas price goes up, etc.

Question: Is there a time limit on the offer: No time limit.

They can buy it for $3,000 an acre then sell it later for $25,000 an acre. We can do those ourselves.

Vince checked into other companies. They don’t actually do the drilling. Dale Resources Chesapeake retains them to get leases for them.

Question: How binding is the lease agreements. Westcliffe signed and they are now getting letters that they are not following through because of the economy, etc. Vince said that both sides did not sign the offer. Until both parties sign it – it is not binding. It’s like any contract – both parties have to sign.

Jess talked to Chesapeake - there is still activity going on.

Need a motion for Vince to spread out a little more. Kate made a motion to send a letter to Devon Energy. Seconded. Motion passed.

Question: A lady associated with the President – center of road or edge of road. Is the center of the road our measurement? We need to make sure it is the center of the road measurement. Vince said we got a letter from City of Benbrook that center of road is the true measurement.

Vince said Negotiating Committee has no authority to sign leases. It is everyone’s individual responsibility to sign. We are not going off to sign a lease without you knowing about it.

Question: At one of the other meetings – you talked about writing a check at signing or draft. Vince said each lease is negotiable. Some companies want to do a draft or wire transfer. Jess said our negotiating committee is asking for a check. No voucher, no draft.

Question: What about when we don’t own all the mineral rights. If we get a lease offer, if we sign the lease we get 50% of that. They (the gas lease company) have to deal with The Amon Carter Foundation also. We are keeping the Foundation informed and they will keep us informed.

Question: It sounds like there are more entities than we know of. Instead of making a motion every time lets send a form letter to as many companies as we can. If we get an offer you will know about it. Prior motion amended authorized Negotiating committee to send out standard letters without permission from SBHA every time. Motion made and passed.

Question: Since the Amon Carter foundation has 50% of the mineral rights. Jess said they will inform us. We assume they can do anything they want to. We have no guarantee but the guy at the Amon Carter Foundation. The foundation has split. 25% to Carter/Monnig Foundation 25% the family still has.

Question: Where can we drill a well to be far away from the house, school. Vince said : It needs 4 acres. There are regulations for distances. At this point – where a well site can go in would have to be on Hwy 377 or possibly the land adjacent to the cemetery. The Corps of Engineers is out of the question.

Question: One guy was told by an oilman at work, the signed bonuses they can’t get – they can’t get the signing bonuses (Foundation). Vince heard the same thing. If you have 50% of the mineral rights – they are entitled half of everything including bonuses. The royalty is split and he believes the bonuses are the same.

Any more questions? No more questions. After Christmas we will have another meeting. Meeting adjourned 7:50 pm.

Submitted by Linda Conner, Secretary.

Friday, November 7, 2008

SBHA meeting November 17th 2008

We will have a general SBHA meeting for everyone November 17, 2008 at 7:00 pm at the First Baptist Church in Benbrook. Jess Jordan, President SBHA, will hold an informative meeting to keep members posted as to what is going on.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Minutes from September 30, 2008 Meeting SBHA

Minutes from September 30, 2008 Meeting ofSouth Benbrook Homeowners AssociationMeeting called to order at 7 pm by Jess Jordan, SBHA PresidentJess read the Memorandum of Intent to the attendees. He explains the memorandum of intent is strictly for the gas and oil lease. We are NOT going to patrol the neighborhood and tell you what color you can paint, etc.

Some neighbors and other Homeowners Associations have signed for $7,000 to $22,500 an acre. The SBHA is trying to negotiate on behalf of those members who want to stand together. The Memorandum of Intent is to show the oil and gas companies there is interest from our area.

The SBHA was re-activated solely for the purpose of negotiating as a group with the natural gas companies.You are welcome to go on your own way and negotiate on your own if you wish.

SBHA closed the account at the bank and opened an account with the Bank of America, where the secretary works.

Jess has been going to the city council meetings… there has been some discussion regarding code violations for weeds, high grass, etc. and Jess requested that anyone interested in working with him to provide mowing and cleaning up around houses for our neighbors to contact him to help him help others with things they cannot afford… the code compliance officer needs help …Jess Jordan gave his phone number and address for anyone interested in helping out. This is not to go to someone’s rent house and clean it up for them. It is to help those who need help.

The following questions were asked by members in the audience:

Q: Lot size on the form??
A: Jess says he does not need that. The oil and gas company will have that.

Q: Is the dollar amount per acre what the homeowner will get paid? … is that for the entire acreage of South Benbrook or is it figured on each property size?
A: it is for your portion of the acre

A list with the officers names, phone numbers and email addresses was distributed to members. If you need anything, call your district captains, if you are unable to get them… call Jess.

At the last meeting, the negotiating team was created, Vince Brown is the Chair. The negotiating committee has met and is moving forward.

Jess has had questions from people wanting to know how the gas will be extracted, and how the gas is going to be extrapolated from their property. It will not have any effect on your personal property.

Q: are there any other homeowner associations near us that we could join with to get better bargaining position??
A: Brett: all other HOA’s in this area have already signed

Q: is anyone coordinating with the city of Benbrook? A: Jess is attending City Council meetings.

Q: how do you find out if you have mineral rights
A: Jess: You can check on your warranty deed… Also records are available at the Tarrant County Deed Record office. Deeds filed since the mid-1970’s are available online at the Tarrant County web site.

Q: Do those homeowners with a mortgage need to get release from mortgage company?
A: Brett : If there is a clause in your mortgage it is only to protect the mortgage company from you demolishing your home for a drill site. Since drill sites in Benbrook cannot be within 600 feet of a residence, this will not be an issue.

Q: how many acres are involved … are we looking at only one well here
A: Brett: not necessarily..

Q: How does a homeowner determine their lot size?A: Jess: go get a platQ: What is the pay-out for those of us who own half the mineral rights?-A: Jess: you will get half the value of your lot size
Q: we want to control the pressure station
A: Brett: we do not have a place for pressure station

Q: it was a pressure unit and the noise level was still very highA: Brett: there is an indoor pressure station, we are going to negotiate

Q: on the sign-on bonus will it go to the homeowner??
A: whoever owns the mineral rights will get the check.

Q: understanding.. that the city of Benbrook has ordinances

Q: any information on what affect the drilling may have on our water?
A: Dan Tulley councilman: none whatsoever.

Q: is the City of Benbrook negotiating with SBHA?
A: Mr. Tulley: no they are not. If the city had property the city manager would be handling that on behalf of the city. He explained what the city owned … they are making over $9,000. a month on the current interests from the oil and gas

Q: misinformation… even though the royalties can be split the signing bonus is not split…
A: the signing bonus and royalties will be split

Mr. Tulley invited the attendees to the council meetings held on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of every month.. if anyone has questions they can be sent to the city manager or any city council members

As soon as we get any information from gas company we will have another meeting..Meeting adjourned at 8:05…

Those who had not paid dues and/or signed Memorandums of Intent did so after the meeting was adjourned.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Negotiating Committee Meeting Sep. 25th.

The SBHA Negotiating Committee will be Thursday, September 25, 6:30 pm at the Benbrook Senior Citizen Center.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

SBHA meeting Sept. 30th

A SBHA meeting will be held September 30 at 7:00PM at:

First Baptist Church
1015 McKinney St
Benbrook, Tx

(same location as previous meetings).

SBHA Board Meeting Minutes 9/15

Meeting was called to order by Jess Jordan at 7:15 pm. No roll call. Minutes accepted as posted on Blog site.

Two things to do tonight.

1. Memorandum of Intent by Brett when he gets here. Gas company is telling people they will get $200 to $300 a month and $22K bonus sign on. It’s hard for them to turn this down.
Jess put an article in the Benbrook News which mentioned the officers and District chair persons.

2. Vince needs to get his negotiating committee together. Janet and Brett will let us know what to do next. We need to go high and come down if need be.

We will have our block captains at the SBHA meeting to have people sign up. They need to go door-to-door also. Some people don’t know what SBHA is. We need them to try to sign up! Kate Moore will make up a note to post on the doors if the people aren’t home. Jess will talk to the code enforcer. Signs put on doors don’t involve code enforcement.

Jess needs to get a place for the town hall meeting. He will check with the Baptist church. Kate mentioned that maybe the Methodist church might be available if the Baptist church isn’t available. Tuesday Sept 30 will be the next town hall meeting at 7:00 pm. Kate Moore will take minutes as the secretary will be gone. Have a list at every table (a table for every district) at the town hall meeting for people to sign up. Have 3 people at every table to man the tables. Get block captains to work the doors so when people come in they will know what district they go to. Jess, Kate and Linda will help do the posters. We will do signs Friday.

Eugene brought up to Linda (via email) that someone responded to the Blog site to join. We need a name/address to send a check to. Jess Jordan will have his name put up on the Blog for people to join.

Samantha mentioned there is a National Night Out is Oct 7, 2008. We need a table set up for people to join. It’s a community night out. It starts at 5:00 pm. Several people volunteered to man the table.

Vince Brown reported that everyone has a comparison of negotiating leases that Linda Conner sent out a few weeks ago. Vince has a copy of the latest lease from Trinity Estates. Their lease terms were $22,500 for 3 yrs with a 2 yr option. If they haven’t started drilling activity they don’t have to pay a re-up bonus. Points that Vince pointed out that we need: Property line to the center of street. When we get an agreement, have 2 or 3 signing parties, have “live checks” – NO VOUCHERS. Have a warranty clause it is not the homeowners responsibility - it is the gas company’s responsibility. If they messed up they cannot come back and get $$$ back. Acceptable condition of a working lease – has to be a drilled hole to qualify as a working lease. If they put gravel down it could be a working lease. Royalties should be at well head or selling point? Need to check it out. There is more money at selling point. Be patient – this will not happen overnight.

Vince thinks we should get several quotes from attorneys. Kate will get together with Vince on this as she knows some. Vince has a copy of Tanglewood Association with an attorney name. Is there any that work with a contingency? Vince will check on it. Vince will set up a negotiating committee meeting before the town hall meeting. Vince will call everyone for the negotiating committee meeting.

Brett Walters brought copies of the SBHA form for Association members to sign. It has a membership card with a receipt attached.

We wanted to add to our minutes that Parton’s Pizza furnished the pizza for our board meeting. Also a sympathy card was sent to Jerry Warburton in the death of his wife.

The block captains arrived at 7:30 pm. Angela gave the treasurer’s report. Balance as of today the balance was $3664.25. Samantha Spence made a motion to accept. Cathy Clemens seconded. All in favor. Adjourned and moved to block captains meeting.

Jess told the block captains to get each homeowner to sign the Memorandum of Intent. We want as many as we can get. We have 1610 homes. Some have already signed at $22,500 an acre. Lake Worth got $30,000 an acre. We should be able to get $30K or more. We are trying to get everybody together. If we have 1610 forms to put in front of a gas company we have a majority. September 30 at 7:00 pm we are having a town hall meeting. We need to make sure everybody understands. If they don’t understand and have questions, call Jess Jordan. He has his cell phone on at all times. Jess Jordan handed out his phone numbers. 817-249-7509 (home) and 281-787-8862 (cell). This will be on Blog site, the Benbrook news and city web site. Jess email is:

Question on rental properties. If the people know it’s a rental they can try to run down the property owner if they want – otherwise have the renter join and write RENTER on the form.

As block captains you will collect the money. They will turn it into the District chairman. They in turn will give it to Jess Jordan to deposit the $$. The forms go to Linda Conner to enter on the spreadsheets.

The whole idea of this form is to unify us. We would like everyone to join SBHA and when gas company comes knocking on your door – tell them no thanks. The people can tell the gas company that we are with SBHA. That gives us a strong front and SBHA is negotiating for us. The association is not here to tell them how to paint their house. ONLY for gas mineral rights! We are trying to negotiate to get the most that we can for our homeowners. We need the form filled out on every household whether they join or not. With $$ or and address with renter. When we go to their door we can tell them we are trying to get more $$ for them.

Copies will be made to hand out at the meeting with officers names, district chairpersons, and blog site. The blog site is

Submitted by Linda Conner, Secretary.

Monday, September 15, 2008

How to join SBHA.

To join SBHA, please contact:

Jess Jordan, President SBHA
Phone: 817-249-7509, cell #281-787-8862
Address: 1217 Estes St

Friday, August 29, 2008

Recent Lease/Offers in Surrounding Area

Lake Worth August 5, 2008 (negotiating w/Chesapeake Energy)
1. $30,000 per acre
2. 25.25 % royalty
3. 1200 property owners and 650 acres

Ridglea Hills August 5 week 2008 (Chesapeake)
1. $25,000 per acre
2. 25% royalty
3. 1600 property owners and 640 acres

Watauga July 23, 2008
(Spartan offer)
1. $13,000 per acre
2. 25% royalty
3. 3 yr lease with 2 yr option

XTO offer:
1. $10,000 per acre
2. 25% royalty
3. 3 yr lease with 2 yr option and another $10,000 bonus

Mont Del Lease
Nov 2007 (original offer)
1. $10,000 per acre
2. 25% royalty
3. 5 yr term

June 26, 2008 (XTO represented by Carla Petroleum)
1. $22,500 per acre
2. 25% Royalty
3. 3 yr option for another 2 yrs signing bonus of $15K
4. Extra $12,500 paid by XTO to Homeowners Association
5. property measured to middle of street

North Central Group Arlington June 3, 2008 (Chesapeake)
1. $27,000 per acre
2. 26% royalty
3. 3 yr initial term with 2 yr renewal option at same bonus rate
4. fee-free lease agreement

Burleson May 6, 2008 (Chesapeake)
1. $27,200 per acre
2. 25.25% royalty
3. XTO offered $22,000 per acre and 25.5% royalty

Wedgewood Southcliff – April 23, 2008 6 neighborhoods combined which represents 5000 homes & 2000 acres. Shopping Center potential site for drilling 2 offers:
1. $17,000 per acre represented by Carla Petroleum (XTO)
2. 25% royalty
3. 3 yr primary term and additional 2 yr option

1. $13,000 per acre by Dale Resources (Chesapeake)
2. 25% royalty
3. 3 yr primary term and additional 2 yr option

Timbercreek April 17, 2008
1. $7,000 per acre
2. Fleet Oil/gas (turned over to XTO)
3. 25% Royalty free of costs such as transportation
4. 3 yr contract with 2 yr option

Marine Creek March 14, 2008 (Offer expires in 45 days)
1. $5000 per acre
2. 25% royalty
3. 3 yr term with 2 yr option

North Benbrook Jan 22, 2008
1. Chesapeake $15,000 per acre
2. 25% Royalty
3. 3 yr contract with 2 yr option
4. DID NOT include measurements to center of street for signing bonus but is included in royalties

North Benbrook November 2007 (Chesapeake)
1. $5,000 per acre (originally $4,000 per acre)
2. 25% royalty
3. 5 yr term

Thursday, August 28, 2008

SBHA Board Meeting Minutes (Aug 28th)

SBHA meeting Aug 28, 2008
Benbrook Senior Center Building

Meeting was called to order by Jess Jordan, President SBHA at 7:00 pm. 16 present.

Jess will go to the Benbrook paper next week and try to get something out as a column on our homeowners association update. Charlesia Littlefield is the publisher at the paper. Kate Moore made a motion and Martha Arthurs seconded for Jess to go to the Benbrook news.

When we approach homeowners we need to remember that we are only negotiating for our homeowners association. Negotiations are not binding. We have their best interest in mind. $5.00 is a small amount to have us negotiate for them. Only paid members can vote. This is why we are going house to house knocking on doors for them to join SBHA. It also gives us leverage to have as many people join SBHA for negotiating. Being a member allows people to vote on district, officers. Nothing to do with negotiating.

A Memorandum of intent from Brett Walters was presented. Janet O’Neil had reviewed it and after changes were made the new Intent letter was presented tonight. A change needs to be made: change the word “formed” to “reactivated”.

Block captains: Just get door to door to get a block captain on each street. Have everyone give a form to each person on their block.

When can district get block captains – get a receipt books. One for each director, each block captain.

The next Meeting will be Monday Sept 15 at 7:00 with block captains. Janet suggested getting membership cards. We are taking SBHA letter of intent form and print a business card on bottom, receipt on right bottom. Daniel made a motion to accept the SBHA form. Brett will take care of getting the new form made.

The original bylaws said $10 per household per year – allowable $5 per household when requested in writing. 65 yrs of age. Amendment: There shall be a membership of $5.00 Jan1 to Dec 31 each year. No prorating. These need to be looked at later and worked on as they are almost 20 years old. Two thirds of the members need to vote to amend anything.

The Negotiating committee will bring the offer to us (the board/district members) and say what they have. We will either accept or deny before it goes to the membership meeting to say what the Negotiating committee come up with.

Monday Sept 15 District chair people will bring block captains. There will be a Board/district meeting at 6:00 with board officers, landman, and attorney. We meet an hour or so before the block captains come. Forms will be ready in 2 weeks Sept 15.

Janet has a recommendation to put together proposed amendments at the next big meeting. She will email it to everyone to look over before we present it at the membership meeting.

A suggestion to secretary to put header/footer with a date when we send out worksheets so they know the most recent one.

Brett said the negotiating committee needs to pick Chesapeake or XTO biggest. All the others are little – the big ones are the actual drillers.

Brett said we need to negotiate high, take the offer to them – don’t wait for them to come to us. Chesapeake and XTO will sometimes fight over gas lease rights. So take the offer to both of them.

Kate had a neighbor ask: if a gas rig will go in their yard? This will not happen. They would have to do these 2 things to put up a rig in a yard:
1. Council would need approval of everyone within 600 ft
2. and get a variance.

Kate will make name tags for the next meeting for everyone to wear.

Linda will e-mail Kate and Brett the SBHA logo.

Angela Farrell gave the Treasurer’s report: $2086.24.

Email everyone to print their own worksheets. This way the SBHA doesn’t have to pay for ink in printing off these sheets.

Brett said to talk to businesses to see if they would sign up – including churches. Businesses on Hwy 377 on our side, sign them up. They would be good bargaining chips. Put in articles for this gas lease only, working with commercial property owners. The more property we have makes us stronger. They can’t be a member because they are not a homeowner. If they don’t sign the forms, maybe a regular letter of intent for them to sign for the purpose of negotiating. There needs to be a separate letter of intent working with SBHA. Property owners, not homeowners.

Kate Moore will get Jerry Dittrich (the mayor) to sign a form.

Kate made a motion to adjourn. Richard seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned at 8:30 pm.

Monday, August 25, 2008

SBHA Discussion Forum created

I've setup a discussion group specifically for SBHA members.

You must have a free Google account to access this group. Click on the link to the group and following the instructions for creating an account and joining the group.

You must be a SBHA member to join the discussion group.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Board & Committee Meeting August 18, 2008
Benbrook Senior Center

Jess Jordan called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. He had everyone introduce themselves and say what district they were in.

We need to have a quarterly meeting and get Bill Smith to have the First Baptist Church for a meeting place. Also need to have a Quarterly newsletter. Someone needs to talk to the newspaper that does the Benbrook news to announce the meeting.

The treasurer wants to move the money from Compass Bank to Bank of America (where she works) so it will be convenient for the treasurer. Martha Arthurs made a motion to move the bank account and Benjamin (V.P.) seconded it. All the board members voted and approved moving (closing) the account from Compass Bank to Bank of America. The President, vice-president, secretary and treasurer will be signers on the account. The account will require two signatures. The treasurer will need to be bonded. Janet O’Neal will look for a surety bond.

Board Members: President Jess Jordan; Vice President Benjamin Pennington; Secretary Linda Conner; Treasurer Angela Farrell.

People on the Negotiating Committee:

Vince Brown – District 4 and 5 will chair this committee
Richard Robins – District 1
Harold Reasoner – District 2
Martha Arthurs – District 3
Donald Jennings – District 3
Brett Walters – District 4
Janet O’Neal – District 4
Lelia Smith – District 4
Ted Lovelace – District 5
Daniel Zenter – District 5
Jerry Warburton – District 5
Kate Moore – District 6 (not present at meeting)
Lynn James (not present at meeting)
Charlton Peppers (not present at meeting)

Lelia made suggesting to amend the articles of the SBN A.

Brett Walters has a copy of a memorandum of intent. Benjamin (V.P.) made a motion to vote on this letter of intent. Ted Lovelace seconded the motion to use the form from Brett to have the block captains get the memorandum of intent signed by the homeowners. This letter is not legally binding – only used for leverage for gas lease to show we stand united! Motion passed.

The district managers are to get block captains for their districts.

Next board meeting will be August 28, 2008. Meeting adjourned at 9:00 pm.

NOTE: Corrections/Updates posted on 8/24/08

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

South Benbrook Neighborhood Association Meeting (SBNA) August 11, 2008

Meeting held at the First Baptist Church, 1015 McKinney St, Benbrook, Tx.


  • President – Jess Jordan, 1217 Estes – retired union Pacific Railroad (817-249-7509)
  • Vice President – Benjamin Pennington, 682-597-1138
  • Secretary – Linda Conner – 817-710-3370 Cell: 817-455-2071
  • Treasurer – Angela Farrell – 1032 Park Center St. (817-249-2999)

    BOARD of DIRECTORS (District by color):

  • District 1 – Blue – Richard Robin, 107 San Saba Ave (817-249-2630)
  • District 2 – Red – Harold Reasoner, 1222 Johnson St (817-249-1880) , Cathy Clemens , Cozby St E., (817-249-2389)
  • District 3 – Green – Martha Arthurs, 1015 Park Center (817-249-1027)
  • District 4 – Orange- Samantha Spence (1010 Usher St) (817-249-2548)
  • District 5 – Purple – Daniel Zentner , 817-805-1980 & Ted Lovelace, 817-501-8841
  • District 6 – Yellow – Kate Moore, 1115 Benbrook Terrace (817-249-1352) (

    Negotiating Committee Nominations (need 10-15 people)

  • Jerry Warburton, 1026 Bryant St. (817-249-2674) (retired 30 yrs from oil & has gas leases in Oklahoma)
  • Donald Jennings, 1200 Park Center St. (817-710-3770) (PHD in Physics, retired Civil Service, did contract work with government)

    Advisory to Negotiating Committee:

  • Brett Walters, Land Man, 1135 Usher St, (817-507-9547)
  • Janet O’Neal, Attorney – (lives on Wade Hampton – get phone #)

    Eugene Mazzurana (Cozby St South, maintains web site blog)

    Submtitted by Linda Conner, secretary
  • Monday, August 4, 2008

    August 11th Meeting Agenda

    South Benbrook Homeowners Association
    August 11, 2008

    Minutes from July 28, 2008 Meeting
    Dues have been set according to by-laws $5 per person
    This will be thru the end of the year 2008 only
    Treasurer’s Report

    Explain Voting – one paid membership – one vote

    Elect Officers
    state duties of each office
    length of term – 2 years

    Vice President

    Board of Directors
    State duties of office
    Length of term – 2 years
    (break into district groups by color)

    District 1 - Blue
    District 2 - Red
    District 3 - Green
    District 4 - Orange
    District 5 – Purple
    District 6 - Yellow

    Negotiating Committee Nominations
    10-15 People Recommended
    Decision of Board of Directors
    thoughts are: we should elect 1 person from each district or maybe 2 from each district one from the north end and one from the south

    plus have the following members be an advisory to that committee:
    Brett Walters – Land Man
    Janet O’Neal - Attorney
    Bob Rhodes – associate

    Eugene Mazzurana – created blog:
    Any others with special offerings
    300’ measuring tape … lady knowing how to do title search

    Minutes from July 28, 2008 Gas Lease Neighborhood Meeting

    Meeting began approximately 7:05 pm. There was a full house.
    510 people signed in (not everyone got the opportunity)
    104 are willing to help
    4 were not interested
    36 streets were represented

    Bill Smith welcomed everyone, and then introduced Lelia Smith.

    Clipboards were passed out for everyone to sign-in.

    Lelia Smith spoke about upcoming leases, asking if we want to stand united and how to go about this – SBHA was one possibility

    Questions were received from the attendees.. Brett Walters helped answer technical questions

    Marvin Rudd spoke about North Benbrook experience with the gas lease signing. He warned of things to be watchful of

    A motion was taken to reactivate the SBHA
    A second was received.
    A show of hands indicated approval of the reactivation

    Dues were set at $5 per member

    Next meeting date of August 11, 2008 was announced. Signs will be posted on every incoming intersection to South Benbrook the weekend before the 11th with the meeting place.

    Meeting was adjourned

    Monday, July 28, 2008


    Welcome to the South Benbrook Homeowners Association.

    Click here to read the Articles of Association.

    The August meeting will be on the 11th at 7:00PM at First Baptist Church.

    Officers are to be elected and members will be informed of which district they reside in.

    I've attempted to map out the districts using an on-line mapping tool. It's close, but needs to be reviewed so consider it a "Draft". Click here for District Map.