SBHA Events

Friday, August 22, 2008

Board & Committee Meeting August 18, 2008
Benbrook Senior Center

Jess Jordan called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. He had everyone introduce themselves and say what district they were in.

We need to have a quarterly meeting and get Bill Smith to have the First Baptist Church for a meeting place. Also need to have a Quarterly newsletter. Someone needs to talk to the newspaper that does the Benbrook news to announce the meeting.

The treasurer wants to move the money from Compass Bank to Bank of America (where she works) so it will be convenient for the treasurer. Martha Arthurs made a motion to move the bank account and Benjamin (V.P.) seconded it. All the board members voted and approved moving (closing) the account from Compass Bank to Bank of America. The President, vice-president, secretary and treasurer will be signers on the account. The account will require two signatures. The treasurer will need to be bonded. Janet O’Neal will look for a surety bond.

Board Members: President Jess Jordan; Vice President Benjamin Pennington; Secretary Linda Conner; Treasurer Angela Farrell.

People on the Negotiating Committee:

Vince Brown – District 4 and 5 will chair this committee
Richard Robins – District 1
Harold Reasoner – District 2
Martha Arthurs – District 3
Donald Jennings – District 3
Brett Walters – District 4
Janet O’Neal – District 4
Lelia Smith – District 4
Ted Lovelace – District 5
Daniel Zenter – District 5
Jerry Warburton – District 5
Kate Moore – District 6 (not present at meeting)
Lynn James (not present at meeting)
Charlton Peppers (not present at meeting)

Lelia made suggesting to amend the articles of the SBN A.

Brett Walters has a copy of a memorandum of intent. Benjamin (V.P.) made a motion to vote on this letter of intent. Ted Lovelace seconded the motion to use the form from Brett to have the block captains get the memorandum of intent signed by the homeowners. This letter is not legally binding – only used for leverage for gas lease to show we stand united! Motion passed.

The district managers are to get block captains for their districts.

Next board meeting will be August 28, 2008. Meeting adjourned at 9:00 pm.

NOTE: Corrections/Updates posted on 8/24/08