SBHA Events

Sunday, April 12, 2009

SBHA Meeting April 6, 2009

SBHA Meeting April 6, 2009

The SBHA met at First Baptist Church in Benbrook April 6, 2009. Jess Jordan called the meeting to order 7:00 pm. Minutes accepted and seconded, motion was passed.
April 20, 2009 Jess has accepted the offer from Timbercreek Homeowners Association “Meet the Candidate” night. North Benbrook is having theirs April 21 at Waverly Park Elementary School.

The sidewalks are not any further than the 1000 block, none on Park Center, nothing we can do with the sidewalks that are being paid for by grant money. If anyone gets hurt the City is responsible. If sidewalk gets cracked or damaged the City is responsible. If more people want to sign the petition against future sidewalks Martha Arthurs and Kate Moore are at the back to sign the petition and sign up for new members.

Question – Block captains need to get to their people (the elderly ones who can’t get out).
Answer – Jess sent out an email last week to see if people want to step down if they don’t want to participate.

Question – I am a block captain and I cannot get ahold of people – if they want to get ahold of me they can call me.
Answer – Jess gives out his phone number at every meeting.
Answer – I am one of the directors – we do not know who needs to be contacted. I am retired but have 300 homes – I put a sign in my front yard, it is in the newspaper, let us know if we need help.
Answer – I am director of District 6 – I am sitting at the back and if anyone wants to be block captain please see me in the back.

Question – I live on Cozby Street South – I have not seen any signs – 1302 Cozby S – I have neighbors that did not know there was a meeting. I joined this Association for one issue – oil/gas. I have not heard one word about the oil/gas issue since I joined. We need better communication.
Answer – call me and I’ll see what I can do to help you. 817-249-7509.

I have Jennifer Poe and Jerome Garza from the census bureau and they will tell you what they plan to do here in Benbrook.
“Our duty is to come to different organizations to let you know what we are planning to do for the census in 2010. They will knock on your door and ask/verify your address is recorded. In March 2010 you will receive a survey – 10- questions about 10 minutes to fill out. The number of people counted means the number of money coming back to the community. The last census was 80% in 2000 which was good.
Any information you give to the Census cannot be released for 72 years.
The Census will always have a badge – they have had FBI background checks. They will not ask for your social security number”.

Jess wanted to acknowledge there are city councilmen present that may be able to answer questions.

Debbie Watkins from Benbrook Chamber of Commerce was introduced. Some of the benefits of the Chamber and what we do. We get individuals coming in everyday asking where to take visitors, etc. They have a website Links to the city, anything going on in town we try to promote that for you. We have Lynette Spence to answer questions also. Being a member of the Chamber is a link to all the businesses we have here. They have maps which will be printed in a few weeks. There will be an interactive map on the web. We try to promote Benbrook as much as possible. Price for an individual is $75 a year.

Sarah Gray from Benbrook YMCA was introduced. We are having a renovation this year. We are expanding the fitness and child care area. She brought pamphlets and guest passes. As a Benbrook resident you get 10% off.

A lady from Chesapeake was introduced, Mercedes Bolen. I am here to answer. We have 2 wells on 2871, and 2 on Vickery. Questions: How do you think the city works for you to get pad sites? Answer: yes the city works with us. Question: Is there a possibility in South Benbrook? Answer: gas dipped below $4.00 so at the present time the answer is no. Question: Price per acre for bonus? $2500 an acre. Within 330 feet around a well bore. How many unit size? 200 and 250 acres. How much outside of well bore? Nothing now. It’s because of the price of gas. Chesapeake has let go of half of their rigs. What about pipelines? A different company has built the pipelines on 2871 and we are working together with them to get the gas to market. How far horizontally can you drill? Up to 2000 foot kickout. We have gone as far as 6000 foot, average lateral is 3500 ft. How thick is the formation in this area? If you take our tallest building downtown Fort Worth and shove it down about a mile down into the ground that would be our thickest part. Lets wait until the market turns. Mercedes brought some materials for people to pick up. Also go to My phone number is: 817-502-5000.

Meeting adjourned.

Minutes submitted by Linda Conner, Secretary.