Meeting began approximately 7:05 pm. There was a full house.
510 people signed in (not everyone got the opportunity)
104 are willing to help
4 were not interested
36 streets were represented
Bill Smith welcomed everyone, and then introduced Lelia Smith.
Clipboards were passed out for everyone to sign-in.
Lelia Smith spoke about upcoming leases, asking if we want to stand united and how to go about this – SBHA was one possibility
Questions were received from the attendees.. Brett Walters helped answer technical questions
Marvin Rudd spoke about North Benbrook experience with the gas lease signing. He warned of things to be watchful of
A motion was taken to reactivate the SBHA
A second was received.
A show of hands indicated approval of the reactivation
Dues were set at $5 per member
Next meeting date of August 11, 2008 was announced. Signs will be posted on every incoming intersection to South Benbrook the weekend before the 11th with the meeting place.
Meeting was adjourned