SBHA meeting Aug 28, 2008
Benbrook Senior Center Building
Meeting was called to order by Jess Jordan, President SBHA at 7:00 pm. 16 present.
Jess will go to the Benbrook paper next week and try to get something out as a column on our homeowners association update. Charlesia Littlefield is the publisher at the paper. Kate Moore made a motion and Martha Arthurs seconded for Jess to go to the Benbrook news.
When we approach homeowners we need to remember that we are only negotiating for our homeowners association. Negotiations are not binding. We have their best interest in mind. $5.00 is a small amount to have us negotiate for them. Only paid members can vote. This is why we are going house to house knocking on doors for them to join SBHA. It also gives us leverage to have as many people join SBHA for negotiating. Being a member allows people to vote on district, officers. Nothing to do with negotiating.
A Memorandum of intent from Brett Walters was presented. Janet O’Neil had reviewed it and after changes were made the new Intent letter was presented tonight. A change needs to be made: change the word “formed” to “reactivated”.
Block captains: Just get door to door to get a block captain on each street. Have everyone give a form to each person on their block.
When can district get block captains – get a receipt books. One for each director, each block captain.
The next Meeting will be Monday Sept 15 at 7:00 with block captains. Janet suggested getting membership cards. We are taking SBHA letter of intent form and print a business card on bottom, receipt on right bottom. Daniel made a motion to accept the SBHA form. Brett will take care of getting the new form made.
The original bylaws said $10 per household per year – allowable $5 per household when requested in writing. 65 yrs of age. Amendment: There shall be a membership of $5.00 Jan1 to Dec 31 each year. No prorating. These need to be looked at later and worked on as they are almost 20 years old. Two thirds of the members need to vote to amend anything.
The Negotiating committee will bring the offer to us (the board/district members) and say what they have. We will either accept or deny before it goes to the membership meeting to say what the Negotiating committee come up with.
Monday Sept 15 District chair people will bring block captains. There will be a Board/district meeting at 6:00 with board officers, landman, and attorney. We meet an hour or so before the block captains come. Forms will be ready in 2 weeks Sept 15.
Janet has a recommendation to put together proposed amendments at the next big meeting. She will email it to everyone to look over before we present it at the membership meeting.
A suggestion to secretary to put header/footer with a date when we send out worksheets so they know the most recent one.
Brett said the negotiating committee needs to pick Chesapeake or XTO biggest. All the others are little – the big ones are the actual drillers.
Brett said we need to negotiate high, take the offer to them – don’t wait for them to come to us. Chesapeake and XTO will sometimes fight over gas lease rights. So take the offer to both of them.
Kate had a neighbor ask: if a gas rig will go in their yard? This will not happen. They would have to do these 2 things to put up a rig in a yard:
1. Council would need approval of everyone within 600 ft
2. and get a variance.
Kate will make name tags for the next meeting for everyone to wear.
Linda will e-mail Kate and Brett the SBHA logo.
Angela Farrell gave the Treasurer’s report: $2086.24.
Email everyone to print their own worksheets. This way the SBHA doesn’t have to pay for ink in printing off these sheets.
Brett said to talk to businesses to see if they would sign up – including churches. Businesses on Hwy 377 on our side, sign them up. They would be good bargaining chips. Put in articles for this gas lease only, working with commercial property owners. The more property we have makes us stronger. They can’t be a member because they are not a homeowner. If they don’t sign the forms, maybe a regular letter of intent for them to sign for the purpose of negotiating. There needs to be a separate letter of intent working with SBHA. Property owners, not homeowners.
Kate Moore will get Jerry Dittrich (the mayor) to sign a form.
Kate made a motion to adjourn. Richard seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned at 8:30 pm.